The D Word

There is a lot of discussion around the future of the OGL (Open Game License) and what it means for content creators. Opinion only: I feel this will only affect those making money publishing D&D content. The average home game will not feel the changes. I do fear that players moving to One D&D will start to feel a ‘death of a thousand cuts’ do to micro transactions.

Recently, out of a sense of nostalgia, I started looking in OSR clone type games. There’s a lot of them. So many, only tweaking a thing here and there, but leaving the system mostly intact. These are good alternative. However, making content for these systems might get sucked into the OGL nonsense on some level. I think I have an answer. Don’t play along.

It’s time to cut the cord?

There’s tons of non-D&D systems out there. Some are really good. Grab one of the those and make content for it

Regarding talking about other systems:

The visibility of TTRPGs these days, you could now say: “This game is like what they played in Stranger Things.” Even without saying the D-word and most people would understand what to expect. Dice, paper, adventure and friends.

There’s a lot of people folks publishing their own game systems now. The barrier to entry is quite low. That said, I think it’s time sail over that bar with a new entry. Wrong Hands is back in the system design business. Roll for initiate! (or don’t, initiative is clumsy and time consuming)

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